AMBA’s mission: protect & preserve the American Mulefoot Hog.

Welcome to
American Mulefoot Breeders Association, Inc.
Working to protect and preserve the
American Mulefoot Hog.
AMBA’s mission: protect & preserve the American Mulefoot Hog.
Working to protect and preserve the
American Mulefoot Hog.
Young American Mulefoot hog pair spooning
AMBA, Inc.
PO Box 2883
Appomattox, VA 24522
(804)590-9577 (text, no mssg)
Support AMBA in its goal to protect & preserve this rare, heritage breed pig (the American Mulefoot Hog) by helping to promote this work!
AMBA announces privacy law (changes/updates), and the steps taken to protect your personal data.
The most popular documents or forms for member use are listed below.
Disregard the printed dates: strike through and put current year and/or current date as needed.
~~~ Thank you to P Williams, Boo’s Ranch, for suggesting this edit. 11/9/22
PHOTO REQUIREMENT for ALL REGISTRATIONS and TRANSFERS — must be approved before registration is processed. Email photos to:
It was blue, blue cold in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, Front Royal, to be exact. October wasn’t holding back on Fall, and AMBA Founder and Chairman, and husband, attended the Homesteaders of America Conference, 2023.
We met Nick Freitas, Virginia Delegate, learned so much from Daniel Salatin, Polyface Farm’s Joel‘s son, Mountain Man Eustace Conway and John Lovell of WarriorPoetSociety.
We want to see some of our AMBA family at HoA 2024 - tickets will go on sale early 2024, limited to about 6000, and we hope to have a booth again and piglets from an area breeder.
This needs to be the year we make it happen!
The most exciting time in a small member-lead breed organization and registry is getting folks on board: literally On The Board! Thank you to our tremendous members for running for office and those volunteering, and even those waiting in the wings to jump into the AMBA hog waller to serve!
If we don’t work together to save this breed, who will?
Election time was way over due, and we’ve met every hardship (report delays & correcting inaccuracies, illness & quarantine) and the most frustrating: technology inefficiencies!
Join today! We are planning on adding a supplemental mid-term to add some new faces & voices to our Board and Membership Teams!
Renew today - don’t delay!
You just never know who you’ll meet when you rub elbows with like-minded farming, homesteading and real-life folk! I met Gold Shaw Farm’s Morgan Gold at the October, 2022, Homesteader’s of America Conference in Front Royal, VA!
Would love to make this a venue for Annual Member Meetings! My farm customer Ronnie suggested in-person meetings, Breeder Member Mark Cody and a non-member reiterated it (3s a charm?), so it has to happen, am I right?
Looking at lesser cost options and alternatives, and this venue “only“ sees about 5k people each day … beautiful place, wonderful people and multi-faceted connections for all your homesteading, farmsteading needs!
We can bring pigs or pork, but I can’t do this every year alone!
2024 started off strong - but not without an issue that festered from 2022, rearing up again by early Fall, 2023.
To date, we have added new member breeders - some still sourcing breeding stock - and we are seeing new names and farms north and west of Texas! Just in Virginia alone, we have four new farms interested in breeding stock! Pigs have gone from Georgia to New York, so I am thinking good things are around the corner. 5/23/2024
We ended 2022 with 30 members, 2 supporters and four significant donations through private funds and fundraiser cups, and two donations received through the Homesteaders of America Conference event. We lost some members for various reasons in 2023, some are rebounding and trying again, gained some supporters, and through the difficulty of less than great technology, managed to find a few more experts to help us delve into the pressing issues of older American Mulefoot Hogs.
AMBA member, father and son, Pat and Andrew Schwab, presented one American Mulefoot barrow to Miller Park Zoo in Bloomington , Illinois, 2022. Director Jay Tetzloff was so impressed with the little pig, his temperament and ease of handling , they requested the littermate gilt to stay , too! More information will be posted later…
Previous member, Annie Hunt, made sure to get two barrows to Blank Park Zoo’s children’s exhibit, Kids Kingdom, this year, and it just made the news! “What’s new with the Blank Park Zoo”, We Are Iowa,, August 9, 2023.
Congratulations to Jay Tetzloff, Chief Animal Officer, of Blank Park Zoo for pulling this off again. He was instrumental in getting the Schwab’s pigs to Miller Park Zoo last year. This morning he said, “perhaps lightning can strike again like I saw with San Clemente Island Goats. They were at 250 15 years ago and now over 1000 gosts when a few zoos got involved.”
I’m ready, are you? 8/10/2023 gc
In other news:
Our membership ended 2023 with a loss of some breeders due to various reasons: retirement, employment changes, health and financial. We send our best wishes to those who have left the AMBA family, left breeding the America Mulefoot Hog, quit homesteading and “farmsteading“, or are rebounding to rebuild and start again.
The delay in scheduling our end-of-year 2023 Member Meeting was not without drama. The Board of Directors are working on the Agenda for this important meeting, working on details that just have come to light a few hours ago (May 23, 2024, 6 pm EDT). We hope that during the Welcome, we can meet our newest members, share some of the best parts of being an American Mulefoot Hog owner (or Mulie Momma), and get to know each other.
Reports will include financials, membership, herd book and herd book health, and census. There are a few projects on the table and we will be announcing those and the impact to our membership and the mulefoot hog as a whole.
The two biggest projects beyond DNA & Diversity/DNA Program include a card grading system so that we can assess stock without leaving home and a new hoof/foot study. There is a proposal in the works: the merge of the Recovery & Provisional Registration programs to capture animals with unknown lineage but exemplary visual characteristics and progeny. The proposed RP designation would highlight the positives owners know and the allow the animal to be added to the herd book provisionally, but with results of progeny and DNA testing to give full accreditation.
5/24/2024 gc
Thank you to our Breeder Members for supporting this great work on behalf of such a marvelous pig! Volunteers are kicking it into gear! Thanks to our Supporters and readers of our online social media presence and website!
>>>Parents, 4H Organizers & Sponsers —- introduce the kids in your life to the character building and rewarding world of raising a pig for the local fair or 4H competition. Students and youth members receive discount dues! Young people are the future of the American Mulefoot Hog, in stewardship for the next generations. Contact us for any helps you may need in your show stall presentations!
Due to staffing shortages through 11/19/2022, paperwork including registrations, transfers and membership will not be processed at this time.
Continue to send completed work to, subject line : AMBA & Your Farm Name and type of work (Membership or Registrations).
Work needing approval, such as Provisional, Recovery , Bill of Sale and transactions requiring photos, must go to the main office in Appomattox, Virginia:
As new employees of Registry are trained and delayed work is caught up, we hope to see the turn around time improve greatly. Any corrections or omissions on your work causes delays.
I was again notified of a backlog of five sets of paperwork held in Kansas and hope to have this resolved this week. Please, ensure your photos are attached to the email as jpeg or pdf. App.Goo.dl does NOT work effectively for me to open or send to members only using cell phones for reviewing photos! This is a troublesome nightmare for all! 11/3/23
DNA & Diversity Project is about to graduate into an ‘on the ground’ AMBA Program!
Starting with issues that breeders have in finding purebred stock, the next issue
breeders face is in finding unrelated purebred stock.
Completion of the Census Form is always the connection between your American Mulefoot hog’s
individual blood sample DNA test and identifiable characteristics.
Once we provide the Census information to our expert advisor, his team will create our unique algorithm.
Sample cards with instructions will be mailed out, (after all Census forms received and system program set up) and must be returned to have Census data (stock characteristics) and DNA testing results analyzed.
Results will be mailed
to the breeder/owner, but more importantly, the results will also be submitted to Registry and updated in our Herd Book.
A new development in the DNA collecting and verification procedure is currently being studied and will be announced after the new Board meets with our technical advisor.
To reduce the risk or possibility of DNA test results and Certificate of Registry papers being ‘sold’ with untested, unqualified pigs’ and their records, the Board has taken several steps to ensure the pig you buy matches the pig on the papers.
The Board voted in January of 2022 to require ear tag/notch photos of the animal being registered (full face photo), as well as body shot, rear end, and four feet pictures. The ear tag or notch must be recorded on their paperwork at the time of registration.
A recent development is an ear DNA sample collection and tag system that offers numbered samples that directly connect to the actual animal tested.
We have not been able to fully research or test this, but that gives us more accountability and credibility in our work.
Jan 19, 2023/gc
Your support will help fund our mission to preserve and promote the American Mulefoot Hog.
Other levels of Membership and Support are available - please see our Shop page! Thank you! ~AMBA
AMBA’s privacy policy, new privacy law (changes/updates), and the steps we take to protect your personal data.
The Privacy Law changes with specific Code of Virginia sections will be included as an attachment.
*This policy may be changed as required by law.
Dec 31, 2022/gc
($9.00 shipping)
Add a hot/cold beverage cup, personalized with AMBA logo, to your 2024 Membership Renewal!!
Please complete and email Membership Application Form - noting 2024 Renewal w Mug to to ensure your renewal is logged and promo cup is mailed out! Make sure to include your current mailing/shipping address!
Supplies are limited!! $5.00 of Renewal Drive funds go toward AMBA's Special Projects (currently : DNA & Diversity Project)!
We appreciate your support! ~~ gc 5/23/24
Donations are not tax-deductible, but are most appreciated.
Gifts here, or those mailed by check, go only to support the DNA & Diversity Project. Please send PayPal gift receipt copy only to
Gifts are processed separately from membership and registration fees for accounting purposes. We encourage check payment for donations and gifts to avoid fees assessed through PayPal & Registry . Gifts by check should be mailed directly to AMBA - DNA & Diversity Program, PO Box 2883, Appomattox, VA 24522.
There is no need to submit any forms for Gifts or Donations. We will be working on changing the “Donate Now” option from $30 per transaction to a fill-in amount. Timeframe for that update tbd and will be announced. 2/15/2023 gc
Sign up to hear from us about upcoming events, projects, and how you can help!
AMBA is actively recruiting members for positions within the organization.
No need to travel!
Most everything is done via computer, text, email, phone and US mail.
Are you good judging stock by photos?
Are you good with customer relations?
Problem solver that can work well with others to create solutions?
Love taking photos or making videos? Content creator?
Or are you the behind the scenes person that can turn pdfs into something new?
Love researching and able to collect info and able to submit it for inclusion on the website? (Copyright info must be included, please)
We have places for you, named or unnamed, titled or not, Director or volunteer.
Looking for an official place to serve?
Can we talk?
If the Mulefoot hog is really important to you, would you lend us a year or two, maybe an hour or two a month, to help define, design and build programs?,
Please submit your name, or nominate someone, for consideration.
Meetings are short & usually pretty sweet, via zoom, teleconference or facebook poll ~~ usually less than an hour at the most,
once a month.
The Directors, 10/1/23
*Mini-newsletter and updates would be nice - if we had someone to do it! *hint*
**Telephone/email Census COMPLETED! Thank you breeder/member volunteer.
***Website edits and updates were to be reviewed by yet another member - can you do this?
our selfless volunteers!!
ByLaw suggested updates: including anti-discrimination clause and dissolution statements. We are currently awaiting attorney advice to present updates to the Membership Meeting, 2023 annual (date tbd).
There seems to be a lot of confusion as to what constitutes AMBA’s public personna or presence and member direct information.
Facebook pages or groups is not owned nor controlled
by AMBA.
Announcements or information regarding this organization is disseminated via member only email, USPS mail, the AMBA website, or other direct contact as deemed necessary.
Keep us updated with your mailing and best email address, and telephone number (if you prefer).
Please feel free to submit questions or concerns about your hogs, your program, or anything else American Mulefoot Hog related to:, and we will attempt to post in our website blog: Talk the Walk!
We would like to include your questions, concerns and our Directors' and Breeder Members' answers or solutions.
Together we should be able to come to the right solution.
Reminder to ALL Breeder Members:
Please submit your sales ad for livestock, feeders, breeders or pork with one clear photo and your contact information for an ad on the website.
We will do our best to post contact information to the Facebook page and groups, but there are restrictions on animal and animal "parts" sales.
We are here for you.
*** The website is currently undergoing edits and updates. Let me know your ideas. I have already identified several issues with links and missing content, etc., and this week when speaking with a member we found a link that was misdirected.
Help us help you!
(Gracie) 3/3/22
Code of Conduct,
Policy, Procedures & Protocols,
Roberts Rules of Order as adopted by AMBA
As soon as these items are completed and approved by the Board, current members will receive copies via email or USPS mail.
These documents will be added to the website once all 2022 members have received their completed packet (electronically , preferably).
It is very important that members review these items and ask questions if they do not understand something.
Thank you for your patience.
Chairman, 10/1/2022
We are currently working on a members only “AMBA Forum” to allow discussion without spammers, phishers,
censors, and fact checkers
of Facebook.
The AMBA Forum will be geared toward internal policy initiatives, member advice, contributions and suggestions, and keeping dialogue topic focused instead of buried chronologically like other online social media.
You will be notified by email when the site is activated.
If you have a preferred social media platform, (gettr, me.we, Instagram, etc.), let us know.
If you are active or good with your chosen social media form and would like to get us jump-started there, or would like to oversee that new platform, contact us.
We’re game.
There are so many things we can get done if we all pitch in together.
~~~~ 11/9/22
It's all about the hogs!
The CENSUS forms
ask questions about your specific hog:
*breeders or prospects,
*raised by you,
*transferred to you or
*“new pigs on the block”.
The information will be included in the DNA profile, the first building block required to create the program for the American Mulefoot Hog.
Each pig tells its own story, and rankings are high in other species’ purebred associations and herdbooks. ,We think it’s time we identify the best of the best as well as unusual or unrelated lines to give prospect breeders, or those freshening up their gene pool, some more to choose from.
Having hair samples or DNA metrics without the characteristics that go behind it will give us a blind understanding of our American Mulefoot Hog population. We need to see with perfect clarity in this regard.
We need to know litter sizes, gender ratios, temperament, litter weights and weight pick ups ... all the stuff that commercial breeders do that helps them identify the best genetics to build upon.
Our subject matter expert from Iowa State University will help us build a dual registry from Premium or Show Quality breeding stock and Commercial or Terminal lines.
Once the DNA Program is underway, all Registrations and Transfers will be required to have DNA testing completed and the swine graded for either tier, prior to paperwork being processed.
Once we get this under our belts, we have two more identified programs to come out of this work.
It all will be of benefit to breeders of show stock, or those that have fallen prey to the questionable and unfortunate breeding and selling practices of others.
updated 11/9/22
We hear you!
AMBA does not have blood test sample cards or an available algorithm, but as soon as it is devised, you will be contacted directly (mail).
If you prefer AMBA to submit and receive test and results on your behalf - let us know!
We will do our best to meet your needs.
Collection will be on you, and should be less an ordeal than the Covid nasal test!
If you’ve ever plucked a tick off from behind your hog’s ear, you can do this test!
Instructions will be forthcoming!
Did you buy your stock from someone no longer selling?
Did you sell stock to a non-member that already had a herd?
Do you know someone who says they have Mulefoots?
Found someone online chatting about their herd?
Help us connect with them to have their “purebred‘ animals tested. It will require the Census form completion first, and then the same DNA testing protocol.
~~~ 11/10/22
What part of promotional products excites you?
Do you have connections that can produce ball caps, t-shirts, sweatshirts, or vinyl cling (window) vehicle decals?
Can you help make this happen?
We know what works, but we need someone experienced in putting all the pieces together (sourcing, orders, customers, networking and delivery).
The set-up isn’t perfect and hasn’t been tested and tried - but on the Home page we added this to make things a little more convenient for you.
If you do use this button to donate, please let us know if it worked well or if you experienced issues we need to work out.
So far, no one has tried.
~~~g cardwell 11/9/22
There are still several nice insulated cups bearing the striking AMBA logo available.
These cups can be purchased for $20 through the website Shop page, or added to your 2022 Membership Dues for an additional fee. .
All proceeds from the sale of AMBA logo cups are designated for the DNA Project costs.
So far we have collected $169 extra in cup sales and would like to have the remaining twenty or so cups gone before the end of the year!
If you have other fundraising ideas, or would like to pledge a percentage of one or all hog sales this year toward the program, we can help.
Funds marked for Fundraising are ONLY used for that purpose, not office expenses, postage or website fees.
Mail gifts to Main office, marked “DNA Project”:
AMBA - DNA Fundraiser
PO Box 2883
Appomattox, VA 24522
"Mail Checks" address can be accepted at Registry office. Credit Cards can be used thru our PayPal, or thru Registry via phone, fax or form.
AMBA Registry
PO Box 231
Wamego, KS 66547.
Continue to make checks payable to AMBA or American Mulefoot Breeders Association, Inc.
When mailing a check, be sure to complete and send the new Combo-Form (Membership Application & Renewal form with Financial Worksheet combined) as well as any Registration Applications necessary, and original Bill of Sale, if required.
Always submit completed original Certificate of Registry for AMBA Transfers, or Registration Certificates/Registration Applications (AMHA&R to AMBA Registration) with your payment.
Transfer certificates and Bill of Sale transactions require “wet ink signature”. AMBA is limited in the email and/or attachment documents accepted.
Recovery, Provisional or Bill of Sale transactions must be submitted to the Appomattox office for pre-approval, and must meet all requirements
Member form links to download, print, complete and submit.
*Strike through 2020/2021 and use current date/year.
**Bill of Sale MUST have wet ink signatures and be approved in Main Office
***AMHA&R registration certificate originals MUST be mailed to Main Office (AMBA, PO Box 2883, Appomattox, VA. 24522) for validation before we can approve any registrations based on
Adult or Piglet