AMBA’s mission: protect & preserve the American Mulefoot Hog.

Welcome to
American Mulefoot Breeders Association, Inc.
Working to protect and preserve the
American Mulefoot Hog.
AMBA’s mission: protect & preserve the American Mulefoot Hog.
Working to protect and preserve the
American Mulefoot Hog.
Young American Mulefoot hog pair spooning
AMBA, Inc.
PO Box 2883
Appomattox, VA 24522-2883
(804)590-9577 (no mssg)
Please submit all applications, documents, payments. photographs and registry work to Appomattox office!
AMBA Registry
PO Box 27
Sedalia, MO 65302
Please put AMBA with info in subject line
***2025 fee schedule update in effect. Working on updated Applications and Combo Form. Will email pdf attachment and mail as soon as available.
PHOTO REQUIREMENT for ALL REGISTRATIONS and TRANSFERS — must be approved before registration is processed. Email photos to: (PDF is preferred. One hog or pig per email, if possible. Thank you.)
It was blue, blue cold in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, Front Royal, to be exact. October wasn’t holding back on Fall, and AMBA Founder and Chairman, and husband, attended the Homesteaders of America Conference, 2023.
We met Nick Freitas, Virginia Delegate, learned so much from Daniel Salatin of Polyface Farm, the Lunatic Farmer Joel‘s son, Mountain Man Eustace Conway and John Lovell of WarriorPoetSociety. There were so many people there, so much to see, to learn, to do ...
We want to see some of our AMBA family at HoA 2025 - tickets are limited, so get them now! We hope to have a booth again and piglets from an area breeder - but if not, we will set up in an informal meet-up for lunch or at an area location after the event.
This needs to be the year we make it happen!
The most exciting time in a small member-lead breed organization and registry is getting folks on board: literally On The Board! Thank you to our tremendous members for running for office and those volunteering, and even those waiting in the wings to jump into the AMBA hog waller to serve!
If we don’t work together to save this breed, who will?
You just never know who you’ll meet when you rub elbows with like-minded American Mulefoot Hog families, homesteading and real-life folk! I met Gold Shaw Farm’s Morgan Gold at the October, 2022, Homesteader’s of America Conference in Front Royal, VA! Each year I've gone, whether for AMBA or for my farm, I've been able to see and speak to Joel Salatin, Eustice Conway, and a pile of other farmsteading, homesteading greats.
Would love to make this a venue for Annual Member Meetings! Looking at lesser cost options and alternatives, and this venue “only“ sees about 6k people each day … beautiful place, wonderful people and multi-faceted connections for all your homesteading, farm-steading needs! Pair of tickets for non-members of HOA runs about $99, and there are kid activities as well. Friday and Saturday with some extra courses or events on Thursday for an additional fee. See Homesteaders of America website for more information.
With some effort, AMBA Chairman and Secretary coordinated with The Livestock Conservancy on a specialty - commemorative stamp, and we were pleased to participate.
Aly & Ryan Salves and family, along with a male and female purebred, registered, and exemplary specimen American Mulefoot piglets were on display. Chairman attended the event as well
To date, we have added new member breeders already this year and just this week have worked on connecting one young man and his sons with a long time Active (Breeder Member). Instead of seeking one breeding pair, he purchased three pairs! Another 2024 supporter upgraded to full membership by the end of 2024 when getting their first stock on their farm! This is another Pennsylvania breeder! Some breeder prospects are still sourcing breeding stock, tonight I have been tasked with finding another boar for a breeder prospect and past breeder in Virginia.
Pigs have gone from New York to Georgia, and we have a breeder contemplating cloning! I hope before anything happens, he decides to have his boar DNA tested and collects him for a/i if he is unable to breed naturally due to a transport injury. ( Will try to keep you up to date, if he keeps us in the loop.) Washington state has a breeder, member prospect, wanting to see if their pigs qualify for our new registration program, and no sooner did I get information to them, but a long time Facebook group follower mentioned something about her non-lineage pig(s) further west than Texas, and I was excited to inform her of our "Qualifier" program rolled out to membership at our January member meeting. 2/25/2025
On the negative side, our membership ended 2024 with a loss of some breeders due to various reasons: retirement, employment changes, health and financial. We send our best wishes to those who have left the AMBA family, left breeding the America Mulefoot Hog, quit homesteading and “farmsteading“, or are rebounding to rebuild and start again.
We are still working on getting our final numbers together for the upcoming Membership Meeting, date, time and platform to be announced. We plan to work on and roll out the DNA & Diversity Program meeting, hopefully in March. We hope all invited past, current and prospect members will attend. The Livestock Conservancy is asking for this information, and I am working on a tight schedule to get everything done ... (help) ...
Thank you to our Breeder Members for supporting this great work on behalf of such a marvelous pig!
Will add a link or PDF of the Membership Roll as of 12/31/2024 as soon as that is available. That should also be emailed and mailed to Active (Breeder Members) at the same time. 2/25/2025 gc
Did you notice the NEW Registry address?
Announcing AMBA's NEW Registry Team, a division of American Hampshire Sheep Association: Tor Sorensen, AHSA Executive Secretary, Sue Traglia, Registry Manager of Associated Registry Hampshire Sheep Association, and Eric Baro, Registry Staff. They have already proven helpful while they work to unpack and learn all the duties Jeff provided. With over 80 years of service between them in the registered livestock industry, they will be helping us take care of all our Members' Registry needs. There are additional services that we might be able to utilize. Anything to improve our process!
The NEW Registry Team email remains, and the phone number is 785-456-8500, or 660-851-0101 locally. The fax number is 785-456-8599. The mailing address is ASRegistry - AMBA, PO Box 27, Sedalia, MO 65302, and physical location is 3141C West Broadway, Sedalia, MO 65301.
While we are in the transition phase with the new team, and our own changing programs, we require all work be sent to our Virginia office., or by mail to: AMBA, PO Box 2883, Appomattox, VA 24522-2883. Any changes in this contact protocol will be announced on the website, on our Facebook page and group, in emails and mail.
My contact has primarily been with Sue, and I am excited that she is open and understands the failures and frustrations of the past, and is committed to our needs and helping us move forward. Growing pains will happen as Registry gets up on their trotters with this monumental task, but the experience and dedication they have shown and already provided us in the "back room" of AMBA has been so welcome.
The Chairman and Directors send our best wishes to Jeff Ebert, Associated Registry, Kansas, as he finally turned in his last AMBA Certificate of Registry, and retired. He has been serving AMBA since about 2017 when AMBA was in its infancy. His official term of service ended on January 31, 2025. Much thanks to Jeff for helping us build our Herd Book and the expert advice he provided in moving our built-from-scratch databases, Herd Book and Membership List, from 2014 to Associated Registries' format.
Your support will help fund our mission to preserve and promote the American Mulefoot Hog.
Other levels of Membership and Support are available - please see our Shop page! Thank you! ~AMBA
Sign up to hear from us about upcoming events, projects, and how you can help!
Credit/Debit Cards processed through our PayPal shop page, or thru Registry via phone or form.
AMBA Registry
PO Box 27
Sedalia, MO 65302
use: for AMBA's PayPal portal
Checks should be made payable to AMBA or American Mulefoot Breeders Association, Inc., mailed to:
PO Box 2883
Appomattox, VA 24522-2883
(More information about changes at AMBA's Registry in section: From The Chairman's Desk.)
AMBA is actively recruiting members for positions within the organization. No need to travel!
Do you like looking at photos?
Comfortable cold-calling strangers?
Problem solver that loves to create solutions?
Data and process driven?
Deep diving into research?
Content creator? photo bug?
Comfortable behind the scenes?
Attend events and would like to take our message to the world?
If the American Mulefoot Hog is important, would you:
>lend some time to help define, design, build or fill programs?
>review content, edit or proofread?
>throw down some numbers for financials? (some requirements added)
>SixSigma black belt? project lead and like eliminating waste?
>Veteran? We have many veterans in the fold.
Please submit your name, or nominate someone, for consideration. "Can we talk?"
Thank you,
The Directors, 2/24/2025
Please feel free to submit questions or concerns about your hogs, your program, or anything else American Mulefoot Hog related to:, and we will attempt to post in our website blog: Talk the Walk!
We would like to include your questions and concerns and share our Directors' and Breeder Members' answers or solutions.
Together we should be able to come to the right conclusion.
Member form links to download, print, complete and submit.
*Strike through 2020/2021 and use current date/year.
**Bill of Sale MUST have wet ink signatures and be approved in Main Office
***AMHA&R registration certificate originals MUST be mailed to Main Office (AMBA, PO Box 2883, Appomattox, VA. 24522) for validation before we can approve any registrations based on
Adult or Piglet